Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The 7 Biggest Excuses For Not Losing Weight And Getting In Shape

If you're at the local grocery store and a strangers kid in a cart says "Look out dad, it's backing up", at the sound of your beeper going off, chances are you're carrying a few extra pounds. You know you should exercise, lose weight, and get in shape, but your brain is set to default, and it's telling you all the reasons why you can't. Here are the sinister seven.

Excuse #1 I Don't Have Time

Everyone has only 24hrs in their day unless you're from some other place than earth. You don't have to exercise for an hour a day if your obligations don't allow it. Twenty minutes here, ten minutes there. People are getting great results with 7 minute workouts. It adds up. Just do something. Anything is better than nothing.

Excuse #2 I Don't Have Energy

Fluid can boost your energy. Vitamins can boost your energy. Sunlight can boost your energy. Even deep breathing can boost your energy. Exercise will certainly boost your energy. Take a stroll in the sun and in five minutes you're going to feel better.

Excuse #3 I Have My Parents Bad Genetics

We can't keep blaming others for our current condition. We are responsible for our bodies, no one else. Genetics only account for about 30% of our phenotype, and the fact that our parents may be predominantly endomorphic has little to do with our eating habits. The choices we make are not genetically inherent.

Excuse #4 I Have A Rare Medical Condition That Makes Me Gain Weight

Here's how to fix that. Turn off your television or mute the commercials that ask: "Do you suffer from dizziness, faintness, or shortness of breath?, than ask your Doctor about this drug, that drug, and that other drug, made exclusively in the US by Who Do We Scam and How". Commercials can really cause us to feel like we might have an illness. Get outside and enjoy life.

Excuse #5 I've Tried Every Diet And Exercise Program Out There And Nothing Has Worked

All we really need is ONE diet and exercise program that we can stick to. The best diet will always be the one we do.

Excuse #6 I Like Being Bigger, I Just Want To Bulk Up

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. You may like being bigger, but your heart doesn't. Bulking up is easy. The only arm curls you need to do is to lift that food filled fork from the plate to your mouth - Hey, a baboon can do that too. Bulky bodies are a dime a dozen these days, but to see a truly well sculpted, muscular, lean, natural physique with classical symmetry is rare. These Nero's of nutrition make up less than 1% of the population. If you have seen one, it is hard not to notice and admire.

Excuse #7 I'm Too Old To Exercise

Ever heard of Jack Lalanne, Madonna, Harrison Ford, Sylvester Stallone, Brad Pitt? These guys and gals are not spring chickens. Some of them are winter warriors on the home stretch of their lives. Yet they're sailing that stretch in healthy functional bodies. Its not that they're in great shape for an old person, they're in great shape period. Some have cardiac ages younger than individuals in their 20's. Why is this? They have lower resting heart rates because their bodies are conditioned. That means a conditioned heart, and a conditioned heart can perform more work with less effort. Let's imagine two identical twins (same genetics), both inherit a rare heart disorder that predisposes them to heart failure at 1.5 trillion heart beats. One twin lives a sedentary lifestyle whilst the other adopts a healthier active lifestyle. As a result twin # 1 has an average resting heart rate of 80 beats/minute , and twin # 2 has an average resting heart rate of 40 beats/minute.

Twin # 1: 80 beats/min - 4800 beats/hr - 115,200 beats/day - 42,048,000 beats/year
Twin # 2: 40 beats/min - 2400 beats/hr - 57,600 beats/day - 21,024,000 beats/year

As a result twin # 1 will reach heart failure in his 30's, but twin # 2 will reach heart failure well into his 60's. That is 30 additional years to spend enjoying your life and being with the ones you love. Watching your boys grow to become men, leading your daughters down the isle, seeing your grandchildren fall in love and hearing your great grandchildren utter their first words. A little diet and exercise can go a long way. It is a big payoff for a very acceptable investment. What would YOU do with another 30 years of life, 20 years, or even 5 more years? What price would YOU pay, or to what lengths would you go?

The 7 Biggest Excuses expose the one essential element critical to succeeding at ANY Weight Loss, Muscle Building, or Diet Plan. 'WE'VE GOT TO MASTER OUR MINDS'.
"He who conquers the mind is greater than he who conquers an army" - Siaki Mativa

Lets get past our excuses and do something, anything, just do it now. A good diet today is better than a great diet tomorrow.
Learn from the best.
Lifetime - Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Success Coach from New Jersey Teaches You How To Turbo - Charge Your Metabolism, Gain Muscle, Burn Off Body Fat and Develop Unstoppable Motivation . . .Guaranteed! Discover How He's Taught Thousands of People to Get Leaner Faster Than They Ever Thought Possible!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Why Polynesian Bodies Can Build Muscle Better

Polynesian people are descendants of those early mariners that crossed the great waters and became the original inhabitants of the South Pacific Islands. In order to survive those long cold oceanic journeys, their Polynesian bodies evolved to develop maximum muscle building capabilities as a means of generating and preserving body temperature.

This was a direct adaptation to an environmental factor. Those that could not adapt died, whereas the survivors carried with them genetic advantages, creating a hybrid body of sorts, capable of performing enormous feats of physical labor, on very little calories, and very little water.

Colonization of the Pacific Islands only encouraged the Polynesian body to propagate these gene characteristics, as the early Islanders literally hacked their homes out of the forests with their bare hands. Domesticating wildlife and horticulture, was a herculean feat, and the scarcity of fresh water developed a need for the Polynesian body to store fluids efficiently.

These early evolutionary patterns form the basis of the contemporary Polynesian body. It enables Polynesian bodies to:

1. Build muscle easily

2. Possess unique strength to mass capabilities

3. Withstand harsh environmental conditions more easily

4. Endure long periods with little food and little water

Unfortunately these adaptations also mean Polynesian bodies will

1. Store excess energy more easily in the form of body fat

2. Store excess water subcutaneously

3. Burn calories at a slower more gradual pace

In the absence of the extreme physical labors performed by our Polynesian ancestors, and the readily abundant food in western cultures, it is no surprise that Polynesian bodies have a tendency to gain unsightly body fat. This storage of excess energy was a survival adaptation for the days of leanness prevalent in the island cultures, but completely absent in western cultures.

Here are 3 of the best tips to improve a Polynesian Body

1. Exercise, choosing intense weight training over cardio.

Polynesian bodies are designed to work out with maximum intensity. Once or twice a week is sufficient. If you are weight training 5 - 6 days a week, I guarantee that you can train twice as hard once or twice a week. Another way of looking at it is this: If you can weight train for 90 min's, I assure you, you can train harder for 40 min's. Remember that you can train hard or you can train long, but you can't do both. Always choose to train hard. Intense training triggers the release of muscle building hormones into the blood stream. Jane Fonda workouts do not.

Polynesian bodies respond well to incredibly intense training regimes performed less often.

2. Don't eat everyday.

This one may come as a shock to you, especially if you are Polynesian, but it is true. You may have heard that if you don't eat every few hours then your body goes into starvation mode, yada, yada, yada. Who came up with this idea, did they get the rest of the day off for such brilliance? It is simply not true. Polynesian bodies have descended from a genetic strain of humans that could survive for weeks without food and rest and very little water.

Early man tracked herds over vast expanses, on foot, and when they finally engaged their prey they could somehow muster the strength and energy, in this depleted state, to run down and kill a beast more than ten times their size. I know one thing's for sure. Put a bunch of these early hominids in the NFL and they would stomp the snot out of those juice heads. We need to tap into that power, and utilize the body's stored energy.

The idea that you feel tired all the time, and that you need to eat constantly to maintain your energy levels are fabrications of the weak modern mind that prevent us from exploiting the vastness of our true human potential.

3. Eat natural, unprocessed foods indigenous to the islands, and eat just enough to satisfy

A Polynesian body can store more water, so drink plenty to discourage water retention.
Organic fruits, vegetables, seafood, coconut oil, taro, along with chicken, pork and beef are the mainstay of the Polynesian diet. These are the foods which Polynesian bodies have adapted to assimilate efficiently through hundreds of years of evolution. Polynesians should not consume processed foods. Canned foods and commercially packaged foods combined with the naturally high fat Polynesian diets create metabolic mayhem in the Polynesian body. Eliminate all processed and man made foods gradually.

Through the evolutionary process of natural selection, Polynesian bodies can become the ultimate muscle building powerhouse, or an unsightly storage system for excess energy and water weight. Polynesian bodies can build muscle more efficiently because they possess slightly lower metabolisms, and have a genetic propensity to store more water. Over 70% of muscle is water. This is a wonderful adaptation for gaining muscle mass, but slightly detrimental when the desire is to burn body fat, and flush subcutaneous water. Polynesian bodies also possess a unique hormonal environment that allows muscle gain to take place more effectively. A gift to the contemporary Polynesian body from their ancestors who survived some of the most brutal oceanic endeavors.

To approach genetic potential a Polynesian bodybuilder should train with extreme intensity, less often, control caloric intake and manage their water correctly.

Learn the truth about building muscle and transform your Polynesian body.

Andrew P.

Best Kept Diet Secret - The Truth About Supplements

Six years ago I was married to my darling wife and friend. As a gift to me she bought me a gym membership and training sessions with a personal trainer that cost her well over of $900. This was because she knew that I had been trying for several years on my own to build a body that I could be proud of. My wife is very beautiful and I am very average looking. I couldn't tell you how many times I would be out with her, and guys and girls alike would check her out and wonder what the heck she was doing with me. It made me feel pretty small. I decided for my own confidence that I would try and get in great shape, then I could feel more comfortable being out with her.

So I did what most people do, got a gym membership, with the trainers package, bought all the shakes, bars, and supplements my trainer recommended and diligently followed his eating advice and training cycle for six months. I worked at it very hard, and followed my program exactly as it was explained. At the end of the six months, I had lost some weight, a total of 21lbs, but I was far from happy. I would still look in the mirror and see the same unshapely body that I had six months earlier. It was just smaller. I was still flabby, and still not cut, and the overall shape of my body looked weird.

Frustrated by it all, I took my woes to the Internet, to try to find more help on how to build a great physique naturally. It was completely by accident that I came across this program written by Tom Venuto. The article that caught my attention said something like 'don't waste another workout until you've read this'. I was actually about to head to the gym and was just surfing the net for new ideas on workout routines, when I saw this link on a dieting web page. I began to read captions from his program that were addressing questions that I had been asking for months. And this is the statement that really got me worked up ' . . . that 98% of all supplements are a complete waste of money'.

This is the best kept diet secret of all time. The dirty, nasty one that the big fat supplement companies hope you will never learn. Magazines with steroid using cover models weighing up to 300lbs with less than 4% body fat litter our stores. They contain massive ad campaigns about how you too can gain 20 lbs of lean muscle in weeks by taking these supplements. The truth behind the scam is that these magazines are owned and produced by the very supplement companies advertised in them. There is nothing special to a protein powder, much of the research is fabricated, and many highly paid bodybuilders who appear on the covers don't even use them. Why would they when they're already using steroids. This really upset me.

I had personally, over the last several years prior to reading this program, spent thousands of dollars on supplements, powders, pills, and other quick fix no hopes, only to be in the same spot year after year. I guess it is my own fault really, actually believing that I could get something as great as a lean physique by just popping a pill, but those ads in the magazines were always so convincing to me. I ended up reading the entire introduction page to what his program was offering, and then I purchased it, downloaded it and left for the gym.

Well, you would think my success started right then and there. I wish I could say it did. Nope. I went on plugging away at my old routines, and old diet programs for a few more months, before I saw the link again on another web page, and remembered that I'd already purchased it. Sure enough, it was still sitting there on my computer, gathering web dust.

Finally I opened the program and started to read it. I was absolutely astonished at the information in his e-book. It is a long read for a slow reader like me, but I managed to get through it in a few days. At the end of his book, I was infuriated. I was absolutely shell shocked to learn of the lies that the supplement industry tells you, the magazines tell you, and all the so-called fitness experts tell you. I was so mad that I wanted to go back to the gym and demand a refund for all the training sessions, all the protein bars, and powders, pills and other crap they were shovelling down my body. I wished that I had come across this program from the start. I would much rather have given Tom my $900 just for having the stones to tell me the truth about how to get the body I wanted. I thought of my sweet wife wasting her hard earned cash on programs and supplements she thought would help me, and it made me mad.

I began implementing his strategies and nutrition protocols immediately, and the results began to come slowly but surely. Day by day, week by week I could see the change taking place. At first it started to come off quickly, then as I got closer to my ideal weight it became harder. But at his advice I would diet a little stricter, being more honest with myself, and train a little harder.
Within six months of training with his program I lost a whopping 57lbs. I was able to reach a personal best of less than 7% body fat for a six month fat loss cycle. I looked the best I have ever looked in my life.

The greatest thing about his program is that it teaches you how to change your lifestyle, not just tell you what to eat. He reveals the scandal behind the protein industry, and what real food does for your body that no powder can. This is a program that I have followed for the last six years, and have kept the weight off effortlessly it seems.

His e-book is the most comprehensive work I have read on permanent fat loss strategies. He reveals the dieting secrets of the worlds sexiest people, what he calls the leanest people on earth, champion bodybuilders, and elite fitness models, all to some degree, follow his basic laws of nutrition. It is the best investment I have made in my body, and happened to be the cheapest. Funny, life's little ironies.

It is an excellent system in my opinion because it helped me, an average guy, get my dream body in less than a year, with just hard work and the right information. I am not a champion bodybuilder, or an elite fitness model, I just wanted to feel confident when I am out with my beautiful wife on my arm, and now I do.

To see Tom's program visit http://www.killabodz.com/

Andrew P.

How To Build A Beautiful Body - 3 Exercises To Avoid

Okay, so you want to build a beautiful body. No matter how many times I am asked the question "hey, what do you bench?", my answer is always the same; "I don't know". This is because I don't go to the gym with the intention of finding out how much weight I can bench press.

Bench pressing is the ultimate ego exercise and continues to dominate the egotistical mind as the standard measure of progress. This would be fine if you were a power lifter, but most people who work out regularly at a gym don't fall into this category.
You will find that the most common goal amongst gym rats is to lose body fat, gain lean muscle, and sculpt a beautiful physique. Well guess what? you are therefore a bodybuilder. Get that in your head first. Now you may not desire to have a physique to the same degree as say a professional bodybuilder, or even a natural competitive amateur bodybuilder, but you desire to create a beautiful body by losing body fat and building lean muscle. Yep, you are a bodybuilder. Once you make this mental shift, you will begin to realise that you can achieve your goals much easier because you are clear on what you are.

So back to the "What do you bench question?". As a bodybuilder you use resistance training to stimulate and tear down muscle. The question of how much weight can you lift becomes irrelevant if you do not satisfy this first rule. Using the right weight with the right technique is paramount to achieving the desired effect. Yes, you can go too heavy as a bodybuilder. What happens in this instance is that other muscle groups compensate to cooperatively lift the weight. This lessens the tension on the primary target muscle group, and as a result, less stress is transferred to that targeted muscle and hence less results ensue.

In the case of the bench press for example; using too heavy a weight incorporates more triceps, more rear deltoids, more shoulders, more forearms, even the back comes into play. All of this combined effort alleviates tension from the chest muscle which is where the stress should be focused. In bodybuilding, transferring stress to the right muscle group, while limiting the incorporation of supporting muscle groups, is critical for the overall development of the targeted muscle.

Bodybuilding is about visuality. It is about showcasing your best physique, being well proportioned, and appearing aesthetic from every angle. However it is also about optical illusion. Let me give you some examples.

A dark tanned person looks more defined than a pale skinned person of the same body fat%.

A well defined 16" arm looks bigger than an undefined 18" arm.

Well developed calf muscles give more overall balance to the body, than the development of any other body part.

If you have short hair, as opposed to long hair, your body will look larger.

A person with overdeveloped biceps appears to lack chest development.

Well developed shoulders especially the medial deltoids make your waist appear smaller

You can see from these examples how much visuality and optical illusion contribute to the overall image of the body. So, taking these things into consideration what are the exercises you should never do, and why not do them? Well the reason is this, they can damage your symmetry.

Symmetry is the most critical element of a beautifully developed body. Here are 3 exercises you should never do.

#1 Do not perform side-bends

No matter how many places I have trained I always see someone incorporating this movement into their routine. The problem with this exercise is that is does not target the obliques. Instead it builds muscle in the area beneath your typical love handles, creating permanent, yes permanent love handles. Even if you were to diet down to single digit body fat% you would still have this muscle mass present making your waist line appear wide, and blocky. I have even seen people do this movement holding heavy dumbbells or a cable. I advise against it. Having a nice V taper from your back and lats, combined with nicely rounded shoulders makes the waistline appear smaller. Doing side bends, or weighted side bends makes the waistline look thicker, and no body wants that.

#2 Don't train the forearms

If you are trying to look like Popeye go right ahead, but again, building a beautiful body is about symmetry, proportion, and visuality. Here's the deal. Every movement that requires you to grab hold of something, whether it be pulls up, bench presses, or shoulder raises, to some degree involve the forearms. If you overdevelop this muscle group you will make your biceps look small. Even if you have well developed guns, having overdeveloped forearms will make them appear smaller than they really are. Don't train them. They get plenty of work doing everything else.

#3 Don't back squat if you have naturally large glutes

This is the basic squat that requires you to put a barbell across your shoulders and then to perform a regular squat. The problem with this movement is that it engages the gluteus muscles to a large degree, and if you are a person with naturally large glutes you do not want to develop them further. Your butt may be firm and even cut, but in regular clothes you look like you still have some junk in the trunk. Not only that, but from a side view your protruding buttocks make the back look undeveloped, and if you haven't developed a thick curved back, it will really show up here. Instead, perform front squats, hacks, and walking weighted lunges to develop the quads. These movements place much more stress on the targeted muscle group. The reason why most people don't do them is because they are so freakin' difficult. Back squatting is much easier and you can put up a lot more weight. Again feeding the ego and back to the 'how much weight can you lift' mentality. When you focus on stimulating and building the muscle through resistance training, the amount of weight you use becomes irrelevant.

This is what it comes down to. People judge you first by what they see. If you are walking along the beach and are heavy and out of shape, people judge you by that. No body cares what you can bench press, even though you might be a power-lifting champion. They are not thinking 'I wonder how much that guy can bench press'. They don't care. You are not attractive enough to get a second thought, let alone a second glance. The point is this.

"It doesn't matter how much you can bench, it only matters how much you LOOK LIKE you can bench". - Bob Cicherillo

A body that is well proportioned, muscular, and lean with beautiful symmetry, will always demand respect. You will always be taken seriously because you look like you're strong. Whether you are or not is irrelevant.

So consider this the next time you train. When you go to the gym, leave your ego at the door. Focus on the finer details of your physique, the aesthetics. Stay away from these 3 exercises. You are there to build a beautiful body, and that means symmetry. You are not there just to lift weight.

For more information on the specifics of how to build a beautiful symmetrical body visit http://www.killabodz.com/

Andrew P.

Polynesian Weight Loss - 12 Diet Secrets to Accelerate Your Weight Loss

Weight Loss success is about having the right information and using it. Here are 12 of the best diet tips that will have you losing weight today.

1. Boost your weight loss by beginning with a 24 hour water fast. Drink a lot of water. It's extremely important that you cleanse your system.

2. Spark your metabolism by eating small meals structured around lean proteins every 3 hours.

3. Drink plain water with every meal, up to a liter. This alone will boost your weight loss.

4. Increase your fiber by eating lots of vegetables, or take a fiber supplement everyday

5. Eliminate all junk food, and low nutrient dense foods such as bread, ketchup, diet foods.

6. Taper your calories making first meals the largest, and the last meal the smallest.

7. Taper your carbs. This one is a weight loss fundamental and one of the most powerful tips.

8. Eat your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime. Four hours is even better, but harder.

9. Do 30 - 60 minutes of moderate cardio first thing in the morning on a empty stomach.

10. Drink green tea and take a multivitamin every day.

11. Do not eat soy, or soy products.

12. Do not eat dairy products or drink milk.

Polynesian bodies are very sensitive to carbohydrates, and of all the diet and weight loss strategies employed, carb tapering is by far the most important. You must manage your carbohydrates carefully if you are ever hoping to achieve weight loss. This means eliminating refined sugars, junk foods, fried foods, processed foods, and especially so called diet foods. They are nothing more than cleverly disguised junk foods that will surreptitiously sabotage your weight loss efforts.

Of the healthy carbohydrates you eat, again, you must taper them throughout the day, eating most of your starchy carbs early in the day when your body is more able to burn them as energy. Towards the end of the day switch your carbs in your meals to slow burning fibrous vegetables, and eliminate the carbs completely from your last meal.

Most Polynesian bodies fall into the endomorph category, with elements of the other two body types, but are primarily endomorphic. As such our bodies often require more cardiovascular training in order to achieve weight loss. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, just a fact. Everybody is different, but if you are prepared to do whatever it takes, then you will succeed.

Eat your last meal at least 2 hours before bed. Upon waking drink a cup of green tea, and at least two glasses of plain water. Then perform 30 - 60 minutess of steady moderate cardio depending on the time you have. In this fasted state your body has the correct hormonal environment to mobilize fat and accelerate weight loss by 300% more, than at any other time of the day. This is the best time to burn off that body fat, and the effects of this cardio session will boost your weight loss for several hours following.

Taper your calories to achieve greater weight loss. Polynesian people cannot follow the typical American diet and expect to lose weight. The average working American typically skips breakfast; the cardinal sin of weight loss, works all day without eating a proper meal, only to come home and eat like there's no tomorrow. Then off to bed to get ready to repeat this atrocity the next day. If you were to flip this plan on it's head, then you would have a better eating schedule regardless of the quality of that food. It would be much better to have a huge breakfast, go all day long snacking at work, and then to skip dinner. This would be a wonderful plan for weight loss.

Finally, do not be fooled by marketing hype surrounding milk, soy, and soy derivatives. Soy contains estrogen properties that interfere with the bodies natural release of testosterone. It is in 95% of all processed foods in some form or another; check the labels. Who wants more estrogen in the body which promotes fat storage as well as female characteristics. Not only are our children more obese than ever, but young boys are developing feminine shaped bodies including breast tissue. Girls are developing pubescent traits at very young ages. Much of this is due to the increased estrogen introduced into their bodies from processed foods and milk. Yes, milk producing cows have two staples in their diet, corn and soy. The 'Got Milk' slogan is a multimillion dollar a year ad campaign. Don't buy into it. If it is unnatural for us to drink our own mothers milk after the first years of our life, how could it be good to drink the milk from an animal. It will derail your weight loss efforts.

Follow these 12 diet secrets for weight loss and you will see success.
For more healthy tips click here.

Polynesian Diet Strategies - 10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight Permanently

Tip #1 Lower your carbohydrates and gradually eliminate processed foods

Tip #2 Increase your fiber intake. You have got to cleanse your system.

Tip #3 Drink more water

Tip #4 Eat more lean protein

Tip #5 Incorporate healthy fats and oils

Tip #6 Weigh yourself often

Tip #7 Keep a food journal

Tip #8 Break a sweat everyday

Tip #9 Write down your goals and read them aloud every night before bed

Tip #10 Schedule two naughty meals a week that you don't account for